Author: apsi
Last revision:
10. novembre 2006
Experiments and calculations on H/RuO2(110)
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- Reply to "Comment on
'Interaction of Hydrogen with RuO2(110) Surfaces: Activity Differences between
Various Oxygen Species' "
Karl Jacobi, Y Wang and Gerhard Ertl
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 22948-22949 (2006)
- Comment on "Interaction of
Hydrogen with RuO2(110) Surfaces: Activity Differences between Various Oxygen
Daniela Crihan, Markus Knapp, Ari P Seitsonen and Herbert Over
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 22947-22947 (2006) (Comment)
- Interaction of Hydrogen with RuO2(110) Surfaces: Activity Differences between Various Oxygen Species
Karl Jacobi, Y Wang and Gerhard Ertl
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, 6115-6122 (2006)
- Hydrogen Transfer Reaction on
the Surface of an Oxide Catalyst
Marcus Knapp, Daniela Crihan, Ari P Seitsonen and Herbert Over
Journal of the Americal Chemical Society 127, 3236-3237 (2005) (Communication)
- Inhibition of CO oxidation on RuO2(110) by adsorbed H2O molecules
U A Paulus, Y Wang, S H Kim, P Geng, Joost Wintterlin, Karl Jacobi and Gerhard Ertl
Journal of Chemical Physics 121, 11301-11308 (2004)
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- Hydrogen adsorption on RuO2(110): Density-functional calculations
Q Sun, Karsten Reuter and Matthias Scheffler
Physical Review B 70, 235402 (2004)
- Surface Coordination
Chemistry: Dihydrogen versus Hydride Complexes on RuO2(110)
J Wang, C Y Fan, Q Sun, Karsten Reuter, Karl Jacobi, Matthias Scheffler and
Gerhard Ertl
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 42, 2151 (2003)